Stay in the know, win holiday dough!

Learn sweet tips for smarter, safer shopping and earn a chance to win a $250 Visa® Gift Card by participating in our Financial Education Contest, open Nov. 1-15.

Participate in our Financial Education Contest launching November 1 for your chance to win a $250 Visa® Gift Card.

Entry into the contest requires completion of the Financial Education Contest incentive playlist within TCU’s Personal Finance Program. The playlist includes financial education modules on topics such as, creating a budget, credit cards, debt management and identity protection.

The contest begins on Nov. 1 at 9:00am ET and ends on Nov. 15 at 5:00pm ET. Entrants need to complete the following steps for a chance to win:

  1. Visit the TCU Personal Finance Program page and click on the “Financial Education Contest” incentive playlist. Within the playlist, click the “Start” button next to the first module listed. A login form will pop up asking for name, last name, email address and organization (if applicable). Complete the login form. Login is required for the contest.
  2. Complete all modules within the Financial Education Contest incentive playlist.
  3. Once the modules have been completed, click “Enter Now.” A pop-up window will prompt completion of the official contest entry form. Complete the form with your contact information for entry into the contest.

Entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Maximum of 1 entry per person. TCU will draw 1 winner. The drawing will be made by TCU officials and the winner will be notified no later than Nov. 22.